29 October 2017

Sunday Shape Up Series : Week 5

Today is a dreary, rainy day here in Philadelphia, but last week was really nice and fall-like, so that's fine with me.  Yesterday we celebrated our 39th (!) wedding anniversary, so it's been a nice weekend. 

After a few very successful weeks, last week was pretty much a bust with my goals.  Overall, it was kind of a weird week anyway, and I felt out of sync with myself most of the time.

The big news for me is that I *did* finish the sweater I'd been knitting, by finally binding off the neckband!  I'm pleased with it, and hope to get a picture to post soon.  So it wasn't all a total loss. ;-)

Since I didn't get any of my other goals even started from last week, I'm carrying them all over to this week:

1. An uptick in my activity/exercise

2. Organize the "true" summer clothes (tank tops, shorts, etc.) and not just get them ready to put away, but actually start putting them away.

3. Bake gingerbread muffins.  I was actually gonna do that today, but The Tim is busy in the kitchen baking bread, so my baking will wait for another time.  Which is fine, so no big problem there.

Unofficially, I'm trying to decide what book I want to read next.  I just finished three books I'd been working on, and for the moment, don't know what I want to read.  I read a Halloween-themed book, so that pleased me, but now I just need to look at the bazillion titles on my to-be-read list and make a decision.

I hope all of you have a very Happy Halloween, with treats but no tricks.  See you again soon.


Nance said...

The day that I cannot get into the kitchen because Rick is in it baking bread will be a Huge Day indeed. Likely, I will explode.

I got a lot of things done this past week, but none of the things I had planned to do. That's okay with me, however, since Major Stuff Got Done.

This week, my Major Goal is to produce two soups. I have the ingredients for them, and it is definitely Soup Weather in NEO.

My minor goal is to BEGRUDGINGLY start on the second side of the HORRID pillow cover I started one hundred years ago as a "quick easy knitting project". Sigh.

Tired Teacher said...

Happy Anniversary!

elns said...

You know, some weeks are just like that right? And so we roll the goal over and it is what it is.

I have let things in the fridge meant for baking go bad. I hate waste, but it wasn't meant to be, and I can't beat myself up for some spoiled dairy.

I got rid of a few summer dresses I will never wear again. So much more to do, but a little something is something, right?