22 August 2013

Run Around

For as long as I can remember, I have had little or no interest in running, or jogging, or whatever you want to call it.  I grew up at a time where there were no real sports programs for girls in elementary or high school, and I am not from an athletic family.  I've always loved walking and hiking, and riding my bike.  But running was never anything I thought about much at all.

Until recently, when I decided I'd like to add it to my exercise repertoire.  I would like to be able to run short distances without feeling like I may die.  I would like to participate in some 5K races, and not only have to do the walking option, particularly when that alternative means walking very slowly, as everyone around you is doing.  I had always thought with my osteoarthritis, it wasn't the best idea anyway. But my new doctors have told me that it is worth doing, not a lot, and not for speed, but for variety as well as for another way to build the muscles around my joints.

I live close to the Schuylkill River Trail in Philadelphia, and love to walk and bike along there, any time of year.  So I have a place where I could also run that is close by, scenic, and at least as safe as anywhere else.  I also have a lovely neighborhood where I can run.  So I'm gonna give it a try.  I have even bought myself a new pair of shoes, and will be wearing them for some walking first, to be sure there won't be blisters.  I'm going to try and follow the Mayo Clinic 5K Run 7-Week training program.  I like it because it builds, and takes its time - and God knows I'm not in any big hurry like I'm getting ready to try out for the Olympics or something!

I want to start soon, but also wait until I have the sense that the extreme heat and humidity will be over for the most part at least.  It would be self-defeating for me to start when just being outside is torture for me, so it may not be immediately, but hopefully it will be soon.

In the meantime, all of my other activities and going to the gym are just fine, and I know they'll be there no matter what I decide about running.  I just think that it's time for a challenge.  Even if I don't keep up with it, I want to feel like I gave it a try.

Have a good weekend!

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