06 November 2017

Sunday Shape Up Series : Week 6

Well - I thought I posted this last night, but apparently just left it as a draft!  Here you go, one day late.


Wow, six weeks already I've been doing this - and for the most part, being motivated by it.  Yay for me. :-)

I'm happy to say I'm back on track with myself.  As a matter of fact, not only did I put away the things like tank tops, etc., I managed to put away a lot of warm weather things, and get out some of my clothes for cooler weather - because hope springs eternal, you know.

I was pretty upset when I went to make the gingerbread muffins though - I think I recycled the recipe!  Ugh.  Fortunately, I found one that was *pretty* close.  It's certainly an acceptable one, but I may keep looking to see if I can find one that matches.  Who knows.

Anyway, this week I have only two things I am hoping to do:

1.  Get well underway on a pair of fingerless mitts requested for his birthday by The Tim.  I wish he had requested them with more time for me to make them, but I'll do my best, and he is very understanding as far as things not being completed on the actual day they are gifted ...

2.  Finish putting away warm weather clothes and getting out cooler weather clothes.  It's not like I have a ton of things, but I can only work on it for so long until I get stabby!

I think these two things are reasonable, so hopefully this time next week I can report that they were.

I hope you've been successful if you have made any weekly goals for yourself.  And I hope you have a wonderful week.


Anonymous said...

I am surprised how warm it still is here. We have the sliding door open this morning. I heard on the news that is about to change. YAY!

Nance said...

I hate not being able to find a recipe when I want to make something.

I'm using Thursdays as my days to get rid of stuff, and I'm writing it up on my blog for Throw It Out Thursdays! (That's called Motivation.)

Still avoiding my Next Knitting Project. Help!

Enjoy your muffins!