03 January 2013

A Couple of Intentions

You may recall that I mentioned a couple of posts ago that last year, I toyed with the idea of "intentions" rather than resolutions for New Year's.  I've been sick since the day before New Year's Eve, so I haven't spent a lot of time on thinking about it, but there are a some of things I already know I want to try.

First, I was reading a blog the other day (God forbid I remember which one), where the blogger said that she was in fact making resolutions, but only a month at a time, and her January resolution was to lose weight, and declutter her closet.  That got me to thinking, and I recalled that when I first started this blog, I vowed to take baby steps to reach my health and fitness goals, so that - theoretically at least - they would be more manageable.  It all worked pretty well, so I want to try that.  So one of my intentions for this year is to try and lose 2 pounds a month - and preferably, not the same 2 pounds each time!  This strikes me as a reasonable, doable, intention.

Then today, I was thinking that when I feel better (oh please let it be soon!), I should try to plan ahead with meals a little bit better.  I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning - oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon, and sometimes slivered almonds, along with a side of fruit if at all possible in the cold months; cold cereal with a side of fruit the rest of the year - so breakfast is not really an issue.  Cooking dinner is something I share with my husband (he cooks one night, I cook the next), so I want to try and fix one dish at least twice a month ahead for the next week during January.

Then there is lunch.  I usually take my lunch, since a) I don't want to go broke, and 2) deciding what I want can take the better part of my lunch hour.  But as much as I wish it were, it's usually not anything I think too far ahead about.  PB&J is a favorite, but sometimes I just want something different.  So my other intention for January is to plan my lunches, and where possible, fix the ingredients ahead of time.  Even if it's just a list that says something like:  Monday - PB&J.  Tuesday - cheese and crackers.  Wednesday - soup.  You get the picture.

This seems as if it could actually work.  But at least if it becomes undoable/a failure/whatever, I can re-think things for February.

I'll keep you posted.  :-)

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