03 December 2021
Christmas Gift Idea That Comes Highly Recommended
19 October 2021
Inexplicably Camel
Do you ever get something in your brain that you want to find in a store, and then you become a teensy bit obsessed with it, and you're not even really sure why?
That's my current situation. I have decided that I want to have either a pair of camel-colored slacks:
06 October 2021
In Which I Have Plans ... But Have Not Gotten Started
In my continued attempts to make small changes to my/our lifestyle that will keep us from using so many disposable products, I have decided - at least 6 months ago, if not more - that since I do a lot of knitting, and have a lot of leftover bits of yarn, that I should knit some reusable makeup remover pads. This plan led me to a further plan - knit a few and gift them to my nieces for Christmas, along with a mini-size makeup remover product. Good idea, right?
I have the yarn - even some leftover cotton yarn, which would be good and sturdy for this kind of thing. I have the needles I need. I don't feel like I need a specific pattern necessarily, but I did look to see if there were patterns and there are quite a few. I have even identified the mini-size makeup remover I plan to buy, one at a time after each payday in our family. So I'm all set to go, right?
Yes, I'm all set to go. I *have* been all set to go. So why I am not going, so to speak???
Excuse #1: There were a couple of projects that I really wanted to finish before I got started. Fact: They are finished as of last week.
Excuse #2: I have plenty of time. Fact: I had plenty of time when I first thought of this. Now we are in to October, and as we all know, once October hits, the holidays are suddenly right on top of us.
Excuse #3: Laziness. Fact: I am lazy. I really want to make them, I do. But I am lazy.
Solution: START. Often if I just simply get started, that's all I need to continue. I am certain that if I made even just one pad, I would be inspired to continue, because I will actually get almost immediate gratification making these, because they are so small. And I do love me some immediate gratification, especially with my knitting!
Look at these - this is pretty much exactly what I'm thinking about!
12 September 2021
Accomplishing Goals, Slowly
In my last post (yeah, longer ago than I meant to be, sorry!), I talked about my efforts to start exercising regularly, and how I'm keeping track of my weight and my workouts.
My aim is to be more fit and healthier. I'm not obsessing about my weight, though at my July appt with a cardiologist, he suggested that if I dropped a few pounds, it would be a help to my heart. So I had a little bit of an extra push in that department. Anyway, as I mentioned in that post, I know that my efforts are paying off because my clothes are fitting better for one thing, and I've been able to do a bit more in my exercising.
So this morning when I weighed myself, I was happily surprised to see that I had lost three pounds.
24 August 2021
Finding An Oldie But Goodie
Since the start of June, I have been making an extra effort to get more fit and in better shape. I was a bit active prior to that, but I decided that it was time to take it up a level, and get myself on more of a schedule. Between my work schedule (2 days a week) and The Tim's (3 days a week), we made a deal that on the days he works but I don't, he would take Hamlet for a walk in the mornings. This meant that I had three early mornings that did not have to be "scheduled," and I decided that the best way to take advantage of that was to make sure that at a minimum, I did some serious exercise on those mornings.
I did OK with this during June and July, but didn't commit as diligently as I should have. At the end of July, I decided to make myself more accountable. So I started a list for each week of August and it looks kinda like this:
Week of August ___
xxx pounds ; arms * body workout * pilates
We have a weight scale, and I know it isn't that accurate, but for the purposes of accountability, I decided to include my weight for that week, done on Sunday mornings before I eat breakfast.
This has been really working for me, as knowing it is "written down" somewhere has made me much more disciplined to exercise. And not always killer exercise - but something that moves me around/stretches/builds strength on my three free mornings.
Besides just exercises that I already know, I have found TONS of YouTube videos that have been helpful. So another reason I think it's working, is because I have some variety.
But I gotta tell you, the other day I found that someone had put an oldie but goodie on YouTube, and yesterday, I did that workout. Remember this woman?
09 August 2021
Keeping My Head Happy
28 July 2021
I Promise It Was Technology's Fault, Not Mine!
After making a big deal about how I was going to try to post here at least once a week, I didn't post at all the next week! But truly, it was not all my fault. Google sent out an update for Chromebooks that had a typo (a typo!) that caused Chromebook users to not be able to log in at all. They supposedly sent out an update, but I never received it, so on Monday morning, I performed the "nuclear option" and wiped my computer clean, meaning I had to start all over again. I did manage to post on my other blog using my tablet, but it was so slow and painful, I decided to skip posting here. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, there are like 2 people who read this, so hopefully they are willing to be generous. 😊
Today I want to share with you the BEST everyday sunscreen that I use on my body all summer long. I may have shared it before, but that was a while ago, and I want everyone to consider giving it a try.
- It is very inexpensive (particularly if you have one of the many many coupons CVS gives you whether or not you care). This bottle/tube of sunscreen generally lasts me about 4 months - which means it is very effective on a cost pers use basis. I slather this on my arms, chest, and neck every single day, and I use a lot of it!
- It has an extremely light scent that almost immediately disappears once you apply it (it's barely coconut scented);
- It stays on without making you feel like a greaseball all day;
- It WORKS! I recently wore this when I was at a baseball game on a very hot, very sunny day, and when I got home, I didn't even have a light pink spot on my person.
15 July 2021
Time For a Reset
I realized today that it has been just short of a YEAR since I posted here. Now I know I don't post that often here to start, but ALMOST A YEAR??? That is completely unacceptable! Why bother to have a blog if you never write anything?
So I have determined that it is time for a reset here. Part of my hesitancy to post here was because I am not really a "beauty influencer," an exercise guru, or really an expert on anything related to beauty, health, or fashion. But you know what - who the H cares??? I started this blog in addition to my other blog because these are also things I enjoy, and I should be able to share that if I like. Most of the readers of my other blog are primarily interested in crafting and reading, and I'm not sure they would care what I thought about say, eyeliner, you know?
Now I'm not saying I'll have something to say every day here - I don't even do that on my other blog or on social media. But I'm not going to sit back because a) I'm not an expert, and b) because I am worried what my non-interested-in-this-topic friends might think if they come across this particular blog. Like most people, I contain multitudes, but that doesn't mean that everyone has to like all of them! And if reading what I think about a lipstick or what my latest exercises consist of annoys you that much, I probably don't care if you just sign off altogether.
It feels good to get that off my chest. 😌
Anyway, my goal is to post at least once a week here if not more frequently when something strikes me. I can't say it will always be riveting, but that's not the point. I enjoy writing and I like to share things I do like and don't like with others, whether or not "others" are even here!
Consider this the first post in my reset. Have you heard of Flower Beauty? I know it started a few years back, with Drew Barrymore* behind it. I was kind of excited to hear about it, because it was a cruelty-free brand at a time when there were not that many of them at a lower price point. Originally though, the brand was only available at Wal-Mart or online. I tend to not buy lower price point things online if I have never tried them, because the shipping and handling often takes the price up enough that it's no longer any more affordable than other brands. And I am not a fan of Wal-Mart at all. I'm not saying I never have gone into a Wal-Mart, but when I have, it's usually been a last resort, and I am fortunate enough to live someplace where there are other choices.
Anyway. About a month ago, I was in the neighborhood CVS, and noticed they had an endcap devoted to Flower Beauty products - surprise!
I decided to give one a try (well, OK I also had a CVS coupon for $3.00 off), and chose the Color Shift Lip Smoothie.