17 October 2014


Hello there!  I just wanted to say that I'm still here and OK, just way too busy lately.  But I have some pictures I will be posting next week, some from an event that I attended with one of my favorite boys - Dug the Doodle Dog!

In the meantime, take care and enjoy this lovely fall weekend!

02 October 2014

Makeup Alley

I will admit that I love reading magazines like Allure, where they talk about various beauty products, and often rate them according to a panel of experts in skincare and beauty.  I also enjoy other magazines where I can drool over clothes and shoes, but I can very seldom afford to try those items (or even find them, where I shop!).

And I do enjoy blathering on about various products (hence this blog), and I have a couple of friends who also do, so we do a lot of e-mail exchanges about various products and topics (neither lives nearby, so I seldom get to see them in person).

A few years back, one of them told me about Makeup Alley.  Do you know it?  It's an online site where reviews of different products have been contributed by members.  All ages, all price ranges, all personal opinions - and a great place to get a feel for things you might want to try.  You can even filter the reviews by your skin type, age, etc., which can be particularly helpful.

Like most things in the universe, I like to form my own opinions in the end.  But this site is really wonderful for giving you an idea of what "real" people think, as opposed to marketing and beauty editors whose raison d'etre is to get you to buy the products.  There are also forums where you can ask questions and get specific answers to them from various members.

If you have never visited, you should check it out.  It's free to join, and other than a monthly "What's New" e-mail newsletter, they never bug you with other messages/spam.  If you do decide to join - or even if you are already a member - you can even avail yourself of my reviews!  My username there is Gitte, *and I think I have approximately 20 reviews that I've contributed.

Please note that this post is my opinion only, and I have not been asked to write it by Makeup Alley or anyone associated with it.  I just wanted to tell you what my experience with it has been.


*One of the e-mail friends referenced above used to call me "Brigitte," and then shortened it to "Gitte."  It's a useful username, since it's usually not already in existence.  :-)